Omo Dugout Man
No crowds of people go to Ethiopia. I think that’s why I loved it.
We celebrated Timkat, the new year baptism/ celebration in Adis Ababba
The three places that were most interesting to me, because they represent three very different cultures, were the Animists, tribal, in the south,the Muslims in the east, and the Christians pretty much everywhere else, (the first African Christian nation; remember Prester John).
Tribal Ethiopia, in the south of the country, is changing. With people giving up their nomadic and herder/ farmer lives, I was honored to be able to see first hand the vestiges of the old ways. Animism. Life in villages where the entire village is a family/entity. A courtship dance.
The 11 churches of Lalibela in Northern Ethiopia are one of the world’s great sacred sites. Carved out of the bedrock in the 12th century, they are not constructed, they are excavated, the interiors carved out. All work done with hammer and chisel, and connected by tunnels and stairs cut into the rock. Few visitors, ravishingly beautiful churches still used by local worshipers.Situated on a plateau overlooking farmland.
And Harar, Harar was a surprise. A gorgeous small, walled, Muslim town. Walls washed with color, women's dresses every color of the rainbow. Rimbaud, the French poet, once lived there A world Heritage Site..